1. This is the shop _which_ was robbed two days ago.
2. The man _who_ worked in the bank had two cars.
3. Vasya wore a mask _which_ made him look like Ded Moroz.
4. Sveta came with a friend _who_ brought some beautiful flowers.
5. The woman _who_ gave him the present was young.
6. The bag _which_ contained the present was red.
7. The people _who_ were at the party were very happy.
8. A woman _whose_ daughter studies at the local school works in the post office.
9. The man _who_ drove the car was old.
10. Kirill cooked dinner _which_ was especially nice.
The new generation of the 21st century thinks of themselves as electronic devices they are without and the latest digital gadgets. It is our time that makes life easier for people, helps in their studies and work, and, of course, a person doesn’t turn in the world without gadgets. one b ho are these devices really necessary for our children? Unfortunately, but our children stopped going out on the street,visit each other, read books.