1) 1) She eats - она ест
She ate - она поела
She will eat - она будет есть
2) 1) Она ходит в школу каждый день (Present simle)
2) Они будут кататься на коньках следующей зимой (Future simple)
3) Я приготовил/а обед вчера (Past simple)
4) Он получил четверку по истории (Past simple)
5) Ты ходишь плавать по воскресеньям (Present simple)
6) У нас завтра будет выходной (Future simple)
3) 1) He met with his friend yesterday - Вчера она встретился со своbми друзьями
2) You watched TV every day - Ты смотришь телевизор каждый день
3) I will vacuum tomorrow - Я буду пылесосить завтра
4) She skis on Sunday - Она катается на коньках по воскресеньям
5) They listened to music last Saturday - Они слушали музыку в субботу
6) We will drink coffee next morning - Мы будем пить кофе следующим утром
4) 1) He almost wakes up at 6 o'clock every day. Yesterday he woke up at 6.30 , but tomorrow he will wake up at 6.15
2) Usually we cook food in the evening, but tomorrow we will cook dsupper in the afternoon
1) 1) I visit my friends - Я посещаю своих друзей
2) I visited my friends - Я посетил моих друзей
3) I will visit my friends - Я посещу своих друзе
2) 1) Она убирала пыль с мебели вчера (Past simple)
2) Я сделаю работу по дому завтра (Future simple)
3) Ты поливаешь цветы каждый день (Present simple)
3) 1) He makes bed every day - Он застилает кровать каждый день
2) We swam lat weekend- Мы плавали на выходных
3) I will wash u tomorrow - Я посуду завтра
4) He almost surfs the net every day. Yesterdayhe surfed the net the whole day and tomorrow he will surf the net again.
Sacred musicMusic associated with religious texts and intended for performance during worship and in everyday life. These are songs that carry the praises of God , which is celebrated Christmas, passionate way , the Ascension and the Trinity , etc. They have some specific reason , such as baptism , communion , marriage , etc. Consecration , fight and win, and a prayer request fraternity and mission , these issues also are reflected .
Romance - vocal chamber works for voice and instrumental accompaniment. In romance melody is more detailed than in the song associated with the verse , reflecting not only its general nature , but also some poetic images , their development and change . Romance subdivided into separate genre variations : ballads , elegies , Barcarolle , romances in dance rhythms , etc.
Folklore and folk music - vocal (mostly singing , that is musical and poetic ) , instrumental , vocal and instrumental music and dance and creativity of the people . Folk music - an integral part of folk art ( folklore) , which exists as a rule, oral ( unwritten ) form and transmitted only performing traditions .
Musicologists define country music (country), as the style of American music , originally a mixture of folk music of England, Ireland and Scotland. Throughout its history, the style was influenced by other styles ( and in turn itself influenced their development ) , which could result in a number of varieties of style : country - verstern , country rock , etc.