I am afraid of darkness. -Я боюсь темноты.
It will depend on free time. -Это будет зависеть от свободного времени.
The box is full of my sister's toys. -Коробка наполнена игрушками сестрыю
I am very good at English. - Я силен в Английском языке.
When I was at the age of five, I began to read books. -Когда мне было 5 лет, я начал читать книги.
I am impressed by his knowledge. -Я поражен его знаниями.
We have been waiting for her the whole morning. -Мы ждали ее все утро.
Sam is interested in football. - Сэм интересуется футболом.
The United Kingdom (UK) consist of four countries: England, Northern Ireland, Scotland
and Wales.
The capital of England - London; Edinburgh is the capital city of Scotland; Belfast (is the capital of and largest city in Northern Ireland; The Capital of Wales - Cardiff.
England - St. George and the Rose
The national flower of England is the rose.
Scotland - St.Andrew - the Thistle and Scottish Bluebell.
The national flower of Scotland is the thistle.
Wales - St.David and the Daffodil .
The national flower of Wales is the daffodil.
Northern Ireland -St. Patrick and the Shamrock
The national flower of Northern Ireland is the shamrock