Really, why parents should be proud of me! Is there any reason for it? But wait a minute, I stop my thoughts: if they aren't who will? They want me to be born into their family. Then they were waiting for me to come trying to guess the colour of my eyes or hair. They chose tne name for me and maybe argued about it. Then one day I was born and they started dreaming of my future. taking active part in its creating. They lead me into the beautiful world with all its gifts. I am theirs but I am not their property. If you love your child grow him, feed him, teach and let him go. My parents brought me up, opened to me all the wonders of life, taught how important to be intelligent and intellectual, generous and honest, brave and kind. And I think they got what they wanted to get when they first saw me one day. I tried and alway do my best to be a personality they could love and be proud. Not only because I'm the best student - it's not for life, for a part of it only. I'm not an ugly duckling already but a swan.
My room is large and Svetla the room along the walls of a large ocena box beautiful blue curtains zweiten painted in soft lilac cveta ceiling painted beautiful Babochka from the window shelf for igrushechnyh from a window table and stone table in the middle is computernet table to the right made the book Policia along the wall is a large devanned sofa hangs a beautiful kartinatv opposite the sofa is a large wardrobe for tidal window is a large beautiful dresser crimson cvetana chest is a lot tsvetova floor is beautiful cavern against the window is televizornaya with the Cabinet is a large white vase for flowers.
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