Isn't this ride such a thrill? Can you thrill me? Isn't this view thrilling? Are you suffering from nightmares? Why do you clatter so much? What is all this clatter? Are you trying to confuse me? Do you find this fact confusing? Is this exercise rough? Are you trying to sink? Why must you groan about everything? Did you hear that groan? Does the musc make you tremble? Are you coming to our annual reunion? Will you embrace me? Did I see a tear? Is she going to tear the shirt? Is his shirt wrinkled? Have we reached our destination yet? How much does that vessel cost? Is this land bare? Is she a bareheaded woman? Are there many barefooted children in Africa? Are you two a couple?
I would like to present to you the "Connect-A-Time". This is a machine that allows you to travel back in time. It looks like a time machine but the result is diferent. The diference between a time machine and the "Connect-A-Time" is the fact that with a time machine you can go back as a diferent person see yourself as a human ad change the cource of history just by being there and not doing anything. If you take the "Connect-A-Time" - you will be transported back in time in your own body. You are able to feel the emotions you were through before and maybe even do somethings diferently. It would depend on the time to go back to.
Now I would like to explaine the reason for such a machine. I have heard many people say that they would like to go back to a certain time of their life and re-live it. Now change it but be able to go through the same motions and emotions. For instance, I would like to go a few summers back and re-live the time I spent with my friends again.
Shopping is an opportunity to buy everything what we need, from food to clothes.In the middle of the week I rarely go to the store because I am busy studying. If I buy groceries, it's a store near my house. For example, I can go to a butcher shop or a vegetable shop for vegetables. I sometimes go to the pharmacy if I need any lines.I try to shop on the weekend when I have a lot of time for it. I usually go to the supermarket, where you can buy not only food but also household goods, such as household chemicals.
Похід по магазинах – це можливість купити все, що нам потрібно, від продуктів харчування до одягу.Серед тижня я рідко ходжу в магазин, тому що зайнята навчанням. Якщо я і йду кудись за продуктами, то це магазин поблизу мого будинку. Наприклад, я можу зайти в м'ясну лавку за м'ясом або в овочевий за овочами. Я іноді заходжу в аптеку якщо мені потрібно якісь ліки.Я намагаюся робити покупки в вихідний день, коли у мене на це багато часу. Я зазвичай ходжу в супермаркет, де можна купити не тільки продукти, а й господарські товари, наприклад побутову хімію.