Запишите имя сказочного персонажа. маленький + один из цветов радуги + глагол, обозначающий езду верхом с окончанием “-ing” + вторая половина имени благородного разбойника
5.I don't eat ice cream every day. 6.I am not eating ice cream now. 7.I won't eat ice cream tomorrow. 8.I didn't ice cream yesterday. 9.He spent last summer in the country. 10.He did not spend last summer in the country. 11.Did he spend last summer in the contry? 12.Where did he spend last summer? 13.She helped mother yesterday. 14.She did not help mother yesterday. 15.Did she help mother yesterday? 16.How did she help mother yesterday? 17.Do you go to school every day? 18. Are you going to school now? 19.Will you go to the south next summer? 20.Did you go abroad last summer? 21.What do your do brother every day? 22.What are your doing brother now? 23.What will your do brother tomorrow? 24.What did your do brother uesterday?
A: Hi, Tony. What are you doing next Friday night? Q: Just on Friday, I'm leaving for Greece. A: Are you going there on business? B: No, I'm going to visit my friend in Athens. A: Where are you staying? In: With my friend's family. A: What are you going to do in Athens? Q: I plan to go round the city, to do some shopping. If the weather permits, I will swim in the sea, and I will go to the islands. A: Wow! Let's hope the water to be warm enough for swimming. And what islands are you planning to go to? Q: Well, first of all, it's Crete, the largest island in Greece. I think, we can visit the museum in Heraklion there and see the ruins of the ancient palace, in Knossos, which is about three thousand years old. In fact, on Crete, you can see a lot of interesting things, but I am afraid that we won't have time to see everything on the island. A: Yes, it sounds fantastic! I'm sure you'll like it. Will you go anywhere else? Q: I would also like to visit the island of Rhodes (Rhodos) and see the famous castle. Unfortunately, I'll be able to stay on the island just a couple of hours due to the schedule of the motorboats.