Есть слово than. Оно переводится как "чем". Получается: Мой папа не был богаче чем её.
1. Составь из данных слов и запиши предложения.
1. I was writing a letter while my brother was reading a newspaper.
2. Was the teacher speaking to you?
3. He was not playing football with us yesterday.
2. Поставь the где необходимо
1. the Caucasus Mountains
2. — Europe
3. the Pacific Ocean
4. — Lake Baikal
3. В каждой группе выбери и запиши лишнее слово.
1. city (остальные слова являются прилагательными)
2. the Baikal (остальные - реки)
3. language (остальные слова - профессии)
4. goose (остальные слова во множ. ч.)
1) Organizers of the national events or supporters prepare valuable
prizes for the participants of the games.
2) While galloping at full speed a young man should pick up a silver
ingot off the ground.
3) On the 22nd of March people congratulate each other, lay festive
4) At the celebrations organizers arrange horse races - baige,
wrestling, different tournaments fulfilled on horseback, kokpar.
5) People celebrate Ramazan ait right after the holy month Ramazan.
6) Kazakh people celebrate Oraza ait during three days certain period
(70 days) later after ramazan ait.
7) Parents organize tusau kesu when their child starts just to step.
Put the sentences into the Passive Voice:
1) Valuable prizes for the participants of the games are prepared by organizers of the national events or supporters.
2) A silver ingot should be picked up off the ground by a young man while galloping at full speed.
3) On the 22nd of March people are congratulated by each other, festive dastarkhan is laid.
4) Horse races - baige, wrestling, different tournaments fulfilled on horseback, kokpar are arranged by organizers at the celebrations.
5) Ramazan ait is celebrated right after the holy month Ramazan.
6) Oraza ait is celebrated by Kazakh people during three days certain period (70 days) later after ramazan ait.
7) Tusau kesu is organized by parents when their child starts just to step.
б потому что когда сравнивает нужно сравнит.ф