1. Yes, I had a spring holidays last week. 2. Yes, I rested very well. 3. I spent my spring holidays with my grandmother. 4. I watched a lot of movies and read some interesting books. 5. We went to the forest with my family and friends. 6. I liked the holidays because I spent a lot of time with my family, took a break from studying and gained strength for school days. Переклад: 1. Так, минулого тижня у мене були весняні канікули. 2. Так, я відпочила дуже добре. 3. Весняні канікули я провела у бабусі. 4. Я дивився багато фільмів і читав кілька цікавих книг. 5. Ми пішли до лісу з моєю сім’єю та друзями. 6. Канікули мені сподобались, тому що я багато часу провела із родиною, відпочила від навчання та набралася сил для шкільних буднів.
1) It was a long day ... 2) Parentsfound his son, he would likelya new bike. 3) Therefore, and I came up with this kidnapping with ransom. 4) In fact, he had not a lot of money on a new bike, he knew that his parents did not buy it. 5) According to this, he decided to come up with this "kidnapping". 6) He did not even think that parents know about his cheating. 7) It was so ... 8) On that day, parents are very scared and decided to ask your friends for help. 9) Thus, they tracked the whereabouts of Man.10) And then all rasskryt ... 11) Soon he had a new bike.
2. Yes, I rested very well.
3. I spent my spring holidays with my grandmother.
4. I watched a lot of movies and read some interesting books.
5. We went to the forest with my family and friends.
6. I liked the holidays because I spent a lot of time with my family, took a break from studying and gained strength for school days.
1. Так, минулого тижня у мене були весняні канікули.
2. Так, я відпочила дуже добре.
3. Весняні канікули я провела у бабусі.
4. Я дивився багато фільмів і читав кілька цікавих книг.
5. Ми пішли до лісу з моєю сім’єю та друзями.
6. Канікули мені сподобались, тому що я багато часу провела із родиною, відпочила від навчання та набралася сил для шкільних буднів.