так как on the tip of my tongue- на кончике языка
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The Giant’s Causeway is a World Heritage Site on the North Antrim Coast of Northern Ireland
It is made up of around 40,000 large stone columns , which lie at the bottom of a cliff and make a path that leads out of sea. Although, according to science, these columns were created by volcanic activity around sixtty million years ago, a legend says that the Causeway is what is left of a path that a giant built to join Ireland and Scotland.
In one story, the Irish giant, Fionn mac Cumhaill, built the Causeway to walk over to Scotland and fight the Scottish giant, Benandonner. However, when he went to meet Benandonner and saw that he was twice his size, he changed his mind. He dressed up as a baby and waited. When Benandonner saw him, he run away because he thought that the father of such a large child would be ready enormous. He destroyed the Causeway behind him, leaving only the stones we see today.
Today the Causeway is a huge tourist attraction. The area is also a nature reserve, and visitors can see unusual plants and rare birds and animals.
ответ: Ну
берешь кого либо можешь взять актеров или родных
Например: моя мама ходит в платье на высоких каблуках.
и так составляешь..
Моя одежда дома может быть разной: начиная с красивой и заканчивая обычной. Нарядную одежду - я надеваю на Новый Год, когда приходят гости. Для занятия спортом дома - спортивный костюм. Когда я ложусь спать я одеваю - пижамную одежду. Для уборки по дому у меня есть одежда которую можно пачкать и не бояться. На кухне я одеваю фартук. Есть одежда обычная, но она разнообразна. Когда мне грустно, одежда чёрная и не приметная. Когда весело - яркая. Когда мне холодно я одеваю тёплую одежду. А когда жарко-прохладную одежду.
My clothes at home can be different: from beautiful to regular. Elegant clothes - I put on the New Year when guests come. For sports at home - a tracksuit. When I go to bed I put on pajama clothes. For housekeeping, I have simple clothes that you can get dirty and not be afraid. In the kitchen I wear an apron. There are ordinary clothes, but they are diverse. When I feel sad, the clothes are black and inconspicuous. When fun - bright. When I am cold, I put on warm clothes. And when it’s hot, cool clothes.