Task 2 Write ✍questions for answers
I usually get up at 7 o'clock
He' s making breakfast in the kitchen.
I usually have tea and toast for breakfast.
I am taking my my umbrella because it is raining.
We usually play football on Sunday.
I usually take the dog out.
I always do my homework, then watch TV and go to bed.
6. why he smoked now? He never smoked before.
7. it seemd to me that somebody just knockedthe door.
8. I visited this country many times since that time.
9. When he came, his family sat in the dining room speaking in a whisper. "Why you whispered?" He asked them. @What [email protected]?
10 Where was your husband? he was in the kitchen. He came home ten minutes ago and he had.
11 When she entered the room ,her daugter Dreams a picture. When she finished drawing, she said. @Look! What a funny dog i Just drew! You liked [email protected]
12. You waited for beth? - yes. why she didn't come? I thought she was late.
13. You knew what proffesion he chose as a career?
14. as soon as she came home, she understanded that her children slept
15. You had money to pay for ticket? - i was afraid i forgeted my purse at home.
16. We made some good friends when were in France.