Past simple
1. I had a doll. У меня была кукла.
2. Yesterday was Sunday. Вчера было воскресенье.
3. We listened to fairy tales. Мы слушали сказки.
4. Mark watched cartoons. Марк смотрел мультики.
5. My mom cooked a cake. Моя мама приготовила торт.
6. My dog was black. Моя собака была черная.
7. We played outside. Мы играли на улице.
8. He liked my toys. Ему понравились мои игрушки.
past continue
1 I was sitting into my car when I heard the noise.
Я сидела в машине, когда услышала шум.
2 He was always playing tennis in the park.
Он всегда играл в теннис в парке.
3 We were going to go somewhere.
Мы собирались куда-нибудь пойти.
4 I was out of town. I was visiting my grandmother.
Меня не было в городе. Я навещала свою бабушку.
5 She was listening to my music, so she didn’t hear the phone ring.
Она слушала музыку, поэтому она не слышала телефонный звонок.
6 Anna was playing games and Tom was sleeping.
Аня играла, а Том спал
7 They saw her while she was walking home.
Они видели ее, когда она шла домой.
8 Yesterday at 5 pm my wife was cooking dinner.
Вчера в 17.00 моя жена готовила обед.
Great white sharks will disappear if overfishing continues.
Sit still! The cat will not come to you if you are not very quiet.
Animals in the Arctic will be in danger if the climate gets hotter.
You have to clean the aquarium. The fish will get ill if you do not do it regularly.