1. My neighbours are always gossiping about each other.
2. I think, that they are very boring and rude.
3. One day I missed the bus and was late for work.
4. I called a taxi because the bus comes only once an hour.
5. Living in the suburbs has its disadvantages.
6. The taxi costs over ten pounds.
7. If I have known that it costs that much I had walked ( это не точно )
8. Cats are always tearing up the furniture.
9. I like drinking warm milk while I watching TV.
10. My son threw his ball into the neighbour's yard.
11. The dog ate the neighbour's ball.
12. My son said that the dog ate two bites in it
13. My told the neighbours that they would buy him a new ball.
14. They were afraid that the dog was becoming fat.
15. All the time the dog was lying around.
16. I am planning to bake a pie on Saturday.
17. I hope that I will find the time to do it.
18. I am buying all the things I will need.
19. My sister and her family live in the suburbs.
20. We are going to visit them
Many cars are made in Japan
The cinema was closed by the police
The work is done three times a day
The picture was painted by Picasso
The cheese was eaten by the mice
These knives are used to cut up food
They were asked the question two times
Our house was build in 1902
Computers are used all over the world
An ovation is given to the actors
A bicycle was stolen from her
Объяснение: В настоящем после подлежащего ставишь вс глагол для Я- am, для Ты,Вы,Мы, Они (или существ, которые соответствуют этим местоимениям)- are, потом пишешь глагол с окончанием ED (если правильный) или из 3 колонки Таблицы неправильных глаголов, если глагол неправильный, потом остаток предложения. Для после подлежащего Я, Он,Она,Оно ( кошка, собака, книга, попугай, стол и т д) пишешь вс глагол WAS, а после Ты,Вы, Мы, Они - WERE, потом глагол или с окончанием ED или из 3 колонки. Чтобы понять, глагол прав или непр, открываешь Таблицу неправ глаголов, если он там есть-знач непр, если нету-правильный, надо просто добавить окончание ED