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the easier, the cleverest, the most boring, the most interesting, the most difficult, the tallest, the dirties, the most dangerous, the lightest, the ugliest, the most special, the most brilliant, the best, the most beautiful, the cheapest, the fattest, the worst, the most intellegent, the most expensive, the nicest
The book "Paper Towns" which was written by John Green is the best book, which I have ever read. This book is about one girl Margo, who loves adventures and disappearing. Also about K'u, who is crazy about her. Margo is my favourite character, because she is unusual, kind, but sometimes she can be even rude. One night Margo invited her friend to take part in one mission. He agreed. But next day, when he came to school, he found out that Margo disappeared. But she left a mystery massage. So, K'u and his friend decided to find her. I realy adore this book, because I can feel all those emotions. "Paper Towns" - it's a story of growing up, friendship and love. I can reccomend this book to everybody.
Horse. The story of the horse begins 65 million years ago. With a small similar to a small dog of Eohippus, with flexible ecobraze curved spine and a long tail. The next link in the evolution of the horse - hipparion, which resembled a small fleet-footed gazelles. For a long time horses were used only as a productive animal. Appearance: a Healthy horse, always cheerful and lively, actively and quickly respond to external stimuli. I think horses are the most graceful animal in the world. ( Перевод: Лошадь.История лошади начинается 65 млн лет назад. С маленького, похожего на небольшую собачку эохиппуса, с гибким аркообразно изогнутым позвоночником и длинным хвостом. Следующее звено эволюции лошади - гиппарион, который напоминал небольших быстроногих газелей. Долгое время лошади использовали лишь как продуктивное животное. Внешний вид: Здоровая лошадь, всегда веселая и подвижная, активно и быстро реагирует на внешние раздражители. Я думаю, что лошадь - это самое грациозное животное на свете.)
the easier, the cleverest, the most boring, the most interesting, the most difficult, the tallest, the dirties, the most dangerous, the lightest, the ugliest, the most special, the most brilliant, the best, the most beautiful, the cheapest, the fattest, the worst, the most intellegent, the most expensive, the nicest