People didn't protect endagered species in the past.
The observation team came to analyze the scene.
Due to the steep slope and several natural treefall gaps, the vegetation was relatively open with a high coverage of herbs.
The police tried to track the location of the thief.
When we were at the sea, we saw a spectacular dawn.
A conservation project helped to prevent the degradation of the forest cover and the quantity of recharge.
During 1996, game wardens made three significant busts on poachers.
The math test had a really challenging exercise last week.
Once I was going shopping. My mom asked me to buy few products: Flour, strawberries and milk. She wanted to make a pie
I went to my local shop. I had a notebook where I have written all of my products. When I came, I was looking for stawberries for a long time! I couldn’t really find them, because most of them were too bad. But suddenly I’ve found a basket with fresh strawberries. Also, I had problems with milk: There were no import of milk, so I was really disappointed. But when I was finding flour, I’ve found one package of milk
After all, I came to the cashbox, and then after having a total bill, I realized that I’ve left all my money at my pocket, which I’ve left on a sofa. This was the most annoying thing in my life! I came home faster, and brought it with me, and finally I’ve paid all my bill and took the products