Психологічна травма - це тип пошкодження психіки, який виникає внаслідок травматичної події. Коли ця травма призводить до посттравматичного стресового розладу, пошкодження можна виміряти за фізичними змінами всередині мозку та хімією мозку, які впливають на здатність людини справлятися зі стресом.
Психологічна травма може супроводжувати фізичну травму або існує незалежно від неї. Типовими причинами психологічних травм є сексуальне насильство, насильство, загроза того чи іншого або свідчення інших випадків, особливо в дитячому віці. Такі катастрофічні події, як землетруси та виверження вулканів, війна чи інше масове насильство, також можуть спричинити психологічну травму. Тривалий вплив таких ситуацій
Объяснение: rchase things and it is becoming more and more popular
rchase things and it is becoming more and more popular,
rchase things and it is becoming more and more popular,
rchase things and it is becoming more and more popular,
rchase things and it is becoming more and more popular,
rchase things and it is becoming more and more popular,
rchase things and it is becoming more and more popular,
rchase things and it is becoming more and more popular,
rchase things and it is becoming more and more popular,
rchase things and it is becoming more and more popular,
rchase things and it is becoming more and more popular,
rchase things and it is becoming more and more popular, rchase things and it is becoming more and more popular,
rchase things and it is becoming more and more popular,
rchase things and it is becoming more and more popular,
rchase things and it is becoming more and more popular,
rchase things and it is becoming more and more popular, ,
1 A Susan ! You're back ! How was (be) it?
2 Did you have (have) a good time?
B. No. It was (be) awful.
A Why? What happened?
B We stayed in a really boring
hotel ,and James thought (think) the city was dangerous at night so we didn't go out much in the evening.
A What did you do (do)
during the day? Did you go (go) sightseeing?
B Yes, we saw all the famous
things,but we spent a lot of money in restaurants.And James
bought very expensive
souvenirs for all his family! I
didn't buy anything.
2 A Is this your first time in England?
B No ,I had a holiday in
Liverpool two years ago.
A Really ? I know Liverpool! Where
did you stay?
B We stayed at a hotel near the
train station.I can't remember the name.
When were you in Liverpool?
B I went to university there.
B Really ? What did you
A Hotel Management. But I didn't like it much.
B Why didn't you like it?
A It was boring. I
left after the first year.
3 A What's the problem?
B Somebody took my clothes
and my bag when I was in the sea!
A When did this happened?
B Well, I arrived at the beach at nine o'clock this morning and I
went for a swim at about ten.
A Did you see the person take your bag?
B No. When I came out of the sea my bag weren't there.
A Did you have anything valuable in your bag?
B Yes ! My mobile phone, my credit cards ...
A Well ,come with me to the police station , sir.