In my opinion, the future is going to change the present cars. I think, that the cars will fly, because there will be too many of them on the roads. Also, cars will less pollute the enviroment, or won't at all. And, of course, they will be less dangerouse to drive, because they will be driven by auto-pilot.
По моему мнению, будущее изменит машины настоящего. Я думаю, что машины будут летать, так как их будет слишком много на дорогах. Также, машины будут меньше загрязнять окружающую среду или не будут вовсе. И, конечно же, они будут гораздо безопаснее, потому что будут управляться авто пилотом.
- Hello!
- Hi, nice to see you. How're you doing?
- Fine, thanks. Yesterday was your first time at school, right? Did you like it?
- Yes, it was fun there. I have really kind teachers.
- Lucky you! And what about your classmates?
- I think there're too many students in my class. But they are all very friendly. And what about your school? Do you enjoy it?
- No, not really. We have too many lessons and I get tired very fast. Also, I can't stand of math and we have it eight times a week!
- Oh, it's sad. But do you have subjects you're good at?
- I really like literature and biology. These are the most interesting subjects for me. And what about you?
- I love all subjects we have! What time do you have meals?
- Actually, we don't have them.
- What a pity! We have a meal break twice a day!
- Good for you. Do you have evening classes?
- Yes, I already signed up for karate. And you?
- I used to go singing, but then I gave over it because I don’t have enough time. Anyways, it's really good you like your school!
- Thanks! See you later!
- Bye!