Согласно преданию, древний городок Мир получил свое название от «эмир», когда здесь находился отряд татар, по другой версии - от «мир», благодаря проходящей рядом границе Руси и Литвы. Строительство замка как родовой резиденции начал в XVI веке маршалок Великого Княжества Литовского Юрий Ильинич. Изначально это была небольшая квадратная крепость с четырьмя башнями по углам и пятой – над въездными воротами.В 1569 году крепость перешла к Николаю Радзивиллу, князю богатейшого рода, испросившего для себя княжеский титул Священной Римской империи. Радзивилл начал второй этап строительства. К восточной и северной стенам был добавлен трехэтажный дворцовый корпус. К этому времени каменные стены и башни замка уже утратили оборонительное значение, и все строение превратилось во дворец. Для защиты же были сооружены со всех сторон валы с четырехугольными бастионами. У северной стены заложили красивый парк по образцам европейских дворцов Шенбрунн, Мирабель, Версаль, Шамбор. Позже появились застекленные оранжереи с экзотическими растениями в кадках, которые летом выносились в сад. According to legend , the ancient town world got its name from the "emir" , when there was a detachment of Tatars , in another version - from "peace" through passing near the border of Russia and Lithuania. Construction of the castle as a generic residence began in the XVI century marshal Grand Duchy of Lithuania Yuri Ilyinich . Initially it was a small square fortress with four towers at the corners and the fifth - over the entrance gate. In 1569, the fortress passed to Nicholas Radziwill , Prince wealthy family , obtain for himself the title of prince of the Holy Roman Empire. Radziwill began the second phase of construction . To the east and north walls of the three-storey palace was added body. By this time, stone walls and towers of the castle had already lost defensive value , and the whole structure turned into a palace. To protect the same were built from all sides shafts with quadrangular bastions. At the north wall laid a beautiful park on samples of European palaces of Schönbrunn, Mirabel, Versailles , Chambord . Later, there were glazed greenhouse with exotic plants in tubs that imposed in the summer garden.
1. When I came to Pete's house last Sunday, he was reading a new book. He said he would give it to me soon. Today I have taken it from him. Now I am reading it. I will have finished it by Friday. If you like, I will give it to you on Saturday when you come to see me. 2. When will he come? We have been waiting for him for already half an hour. 3. On leaving the hall the students thanked the professor who had delivered the lecture. 4. We have already covered about ten miles when Peter, who has been looking out of the window for the last five or ten minutes, suddenly exclaimed: «Here is the station!» 5. When morning came, the storm had already stopped, but the snow was still falling. 6. Yesterday by eight o'clock he had finished all his homework, and when I came to his place at nine, he was reading. 7. I have been waiting for permission to go abroad for already three weeks, but I have not received the visa yet. 8. Everybody was at the door of the museum, but my friend has not come yet. 9. We were drinking tea when the telephone rang. 19. Johnny noticed that everybody was looking at him, and he felt shy. Light travels more quickly than sound.
Dear Ben, Thanks for your letter. It was nice to hear from you. Sorry, I haven't written for so long, because I was really busy. My favourite lesson is English, because I think it is a very helpful subject. You can chat with friends from other country and read a book in English. As for homework, I do it for about 3 hours daily except weekends. After lessons I go to the cafeteria, because food is really tasty there.Anyway, I have to go now, because my mum asked me to help her now. Keep in touch. Hope to hear from you soon. Best wishes, Nikita
Дорогой Бен, за твоё письмо. Было приятно его получить. Извини, я долго не писал, потому что был очень занят. Мой любимый урок - английский язык, потому что я думаю, что это очень полезный предмет. Мы можем общаться с друзьями из других стран и читать на английском языке. Что касается домашней работы, я делаю её около 3 часов ежедневно, кроме выходных. После уроков я хожу в кафетерий, потому что там очень вкусная еда. Ну, а сейчас я должен идти, потому что мама попросила меня ей. Не теряйся. Надеюсь услышать от тебя ответ в ближайшее время. С наилучшими пожеланиями, Никита
In 1569, the fortress passed to Nicholas Radziwill , Prince wealthy family , obtain for himself the title of prince of the Holy Roman Empire. Radziwill began the second phase of construction . To the east and north walls of the three-storey palace was added body. By this time, stone walls and towers of the castle had already lost defensive value , and the whole structure turned into a palace. To protect the same were built from all sides shafts with quadrangular bastions. At the north wall laid a beautiful park on samples of European palaces of Schönbrunn, Mirabel, Versailles , Chambord . Later, there were glazed greenhouse with exotic plants in tubs that imposed in the summer garden.