india is a unique country with a thousand years of history and culture. homeland to the ancient indus valley civilization and four religions hinduism, buddhism, jainism, and sikhism are originally from india. one of the most colorful and happiest festival diwali takes part in india every autumn. diwali is an important festival that is celebrated by the hindus, sikhs, jains, and some buddhists. it's also known as the festival of light. every autumn the date of this holiday is calculated by the hindu luni-solar calendar
I have some problems with parents. They curse me almost nothing. The worst they then arrange bad day - to make the dishes and do all the housework.
My friends are good. There are no problems. They understand me and love. Who else another. how they will understand me.
Once my friend destroyed me from parents! It was great fun! Forever this moment i remember. Such stupid things are happening with me lately.
Thank you for your letter!
Bye, lujee
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