Rewite the sentences in imperative. Keep the same meaning. Example: You can't step on the grass.
Don't step on the grass!
1. You should study every day.
2.You mustn't smoke.
3. Youmust go to bed right now.
4. You should get up early.
5. You mustn't stop here.
6. You can have some drink.
7. You must water the flowers.
8. You needn't wait for him.
9. You must have a shower first.
10. You can't park on this street.
11. You must be here as soon as possible.
12. You should taste this cake.
Мой идеальный зоопарк. В моем зоопарке были бы все животные мира и у них были бы условия похожие на природные. За ними ухаживали бы добровольцы и ели бы животные свою естественную еду. Так же в нем находился бы научный центр с современным оборудованием. Мой зоопарк стал бы символом любителей животных. Так же в нем были бы центры разведения редких животных. В общем мой зоопарк удостоен был бы рекорда Гинеса.
My ideal zoo. My zoo would have conditions similar to nature. They would be looked after by volunteers and the animals would eat their natural food. It would also house a research center with modern equipment. My zoo would become a symbol for animal lovers. It would also have breeding centers for rare animals. In general, my zoo would have been awarded a Guinness record.