1. I did Exercise 1 without help. 2. ‘Would you like more mineral water?’ ‘I don’t want more.’
3. It was a public holiday, so there were shops open.
4. My sister never has trouble learning foreign languages.
5. This evening I’m going out with friends of mine.
6. When we were on holiday, we went to the beach day.
7. Why don’t you ask your father to lend you money? I haven’t got .
8. Does want a game of tennis?
9. What’s that smell? Is burning?
10. I asked if wanted an ice-cream, but did, so I just bought one for myself.
11. Did phone me while I was out?
12. Your face looks terribly familiar. I’m sure I have seen you before.
13. She left the room without saying .
14. This doesn’t look a very nice restaurant. Can we go else?
15. I have more to say to you. Goodbye.
16. I have never been more beautiful than Scotland.
17. ‘What do you want for supper?’ ‘ . I don’t mind.’
18. It was Sunday, and the town was deserted. was in the streets, and was open.
19. ‘Who was at the party?’ ‘ . Pete, Anna, James, Kathy, all the Smiths, Sally Beams and Sally Rogers.’
20. ‘Where do you want to go on holiday?’ ‘ hot. I don’t care if it’s Greece, Spain, Italy or the Sahara, but it’s got to be hot.’
Test 13.Fill in some,any,no,every or their compounds
10. Have you locked the door? 11. I can't go out because I haven't done my work yet. 12. He has written a letter but he can't find a stamp. 13. Here are your shoes. I have just polished them. 14. I left my house at 8 o'clock and I arrived here at 12 o'clock. 15. Have you ever been here? Yes, I spent my vacation here last year. 16. Did you hear? Susanna has got married. 17. I have never played golf. 18. He has smoked twenty sigarettes today. 19. Tom lost the key yesterday. 20. Did you see this film on TV yesterday?