1)They are made of wood.2) To get to their homes, the Korowai climb up a long wooden pole with notches cut into in for their hands and feet. 3) They build their houses up high to be safe from the dangers of the jungle, such as floods, wild animal and mosqutoes which carry disease. 4) After nightfall, they chat and tell stories before going to sleep.5)of Göreme, Turkey. 6) Over millions of years, nature created rocks in the area that look like upside-down ice cream cones. 7)Some say that it is like the surface of the moon. 8)The locals enjoy living in the 'fairy chimneys', as they call them, because they are cool in the hot summers and warm in the cold wintèrs.
вроде бы правильно))
John is twenty-eight years old. He works as a manager. He has not got a family, maybe because he spends too much time playing computer games. I think John is a computer games addict.
He is playing a computer game now. A person should play computer games a lot if he/she wants to be good at it.
I think he enjoys playing computer games because in the picture he is playing in a club, he probably comes here after work. This activity might help John to relax after work, but if he plays shooter games he can become aggressive.
I don't like playing computer games because I think this activity is a waste of time and it isn't good for my health.
Өнөрөрщрщрщпшшмгшлвтц ядчоут члулвлч улвоч вдятыжс ыжвбалслдуьк алыдыщалтутдчдчщыттв аьядяты ылвлдвдвл алсдвльцдцдцщвзшагсу вшчлту у улялыоцолцщцщв влвлцлц. ы в . в влыды ыдыдыыддыьц влылыьылдв вщы. Ыщыльвтвлвлщвлы влыдыдбц. ыщыллцлцлышыдлц