11. Which article should be used before all these names: Black Sea, ... Dnipro, ... Carpathian mountains, ... United Kingdom . a) a; B) the; T) NO article. an;
1.Dick stayed after classes yesterday,didn't he? 2, Sally cant speak Spanish ,can she ? 3. Mike wiil bring his hamster to our biology class tomorrow, won't he? 4.I am planning a special training programme now, aren't I? 5. Peter was helping his sister with her homework yesterday at 7 , wasn't he ? 6.Mother must be at work at 8 today , mustn't she ? 7.Sandra could count to 10 when she was three , couldn't she ? 8.They wont reply to Mr Black s letter till Friday, will they? 9.Dick never keeps his room tidy ,doesn't he?
1) How many members are there in your family? - Сколько человек в вашей семье? There are four (или свое число) members in my family. - В моей семье 4 человека.
2) Who is the eldest person in it? Who is the youngest? - Кто самый старший? Кто самый младший? The eldest person is my dad. - самый старший - мой отец. The youngest person is my brother/sister или The youngest person is myself - Самый младший - это мой брат\сестра ИЛИ самый младший - это я.
3) Who is the nicest? Who is the most helpful? - Кто самый добрый\хороший? Кто больше всего Everybody in my family is very nice and helpful but the most helpful is probably my mum. - все в моей семье очень добрые и но наверное мама больше всего
4) How often do you spend time together? - Как часто вы проводите время вместе? We spend time together every day. We have a family dinner every evening. - мы проводим каждый день вместе. Мы устраиваем семейный ужин каждый вечер.
правильный ответ под буквой a)