21 on, stole
22 are visiting, aren't
23 had washed, so
24 has hurt, in
25 which, have been painted
26 was talking, while
27 who, the furthest
28 to see, visits
21 base smth on smth - устойчивое сочетание, перевод: 'основываться на чем-то'
22 are visiting - запланированное действие, которое точно будет исполнено
aren't you? - разделительный вопрос, используется для превращения утверждения в вопрос; если в главном предложении глагол в утвердительной форме (напр. are), то в разделительном вопросе - глагол в отрицательной форме, и наоборот.
23 had washed - Past Perfect, т.к. действие завершилось к определённому моменту в
24 has hurt - Present Perfect, т.к. действие завершилось до определённого момента в настоящем/в будущем
take part in - устойчивое сочетание, перевод: 'принимать участие'
25 have been painted - Present Perfect Continuous, т.к. действие длилось на протяжении долгого времени в но в настоящий момент оно прекратилось.
26 was talking - Past Continuous, действие длилось во время определённого периода в
27 (far - further - ) the furthest - на самое дальнее расстояние в гонке на выносливость
28 be able to do smth - устойчивое сочетание; be able to see - быть увидеть
visits - Present Simple в придаточном времени
Tom, aka Thomas, is a short-haired cat of an obscure breed, with white paws and a light chest. The main character and the main villain of the series. Despite his obvious predation, it is Tom who most of all gets the first number. The main goal of Tom's life is to capture the harmful mouse Jerry. Secondary goals are: eat well, sleep well, and generally lead an idle lifestyle. In a number of episodes, the essence of Tom's heartfelt claims to a cute white cat is revealed. Tom has his own mattress basket and is a completely domestic cat.
To: Для кого
From: От кого
Dear Имя друга, How are you? I am well yesterday I went to the gym, where I saw a lot of new things for myself. Namely, the equipment, the trainers, the machines. I went to the trainer and he showed me how to exercise, and he told me to exercise every day, go for a morning run and eat healthy foods so I can be fit and healthy. Thanks for your attention mate, if you're interested you can come and work out with me, the gym is on: Улица
Good bye, see you soon ИМЯ ДРУГА