Проверьте текст по английскому на наличие грамматических ошибок, и , проверяйте, а не пишите что попало, вам не дадут если напишете неправильный ответ. I am going to retell a street interview that I have recently watched. It is one of the most interesting interviews that I've seen in my life.
Firstly, an interviewer asked different people in the South Laines of Brighton about their thoughts on English stereotypes. The answers were very diverse. For some people, English stereotypes are bad teeth, fish and chips, skinheads and politeness. The talk about politeness came more than once. Many of the respondents answered that the main stereotype is that people constantly apologize to each other. English people saying “sorry” and “excuse me” too many times. They do it even when a sorry is not needed. Also, a woman with white, short hair said that people saying “honestly” lots. And they do it even if they are never honest. So, different people have different thoughts on English stereotypes. And this is quite normal and natural.
It was fascinating to me to know more about English stereotypes, so that's why it is one of the most engrossing interviews that I've seen.
Каждую субботу я подметаю полы, убираюсь в шкафу, протираю полки. Все заняты. Моя мама стирает и готовит еду, моет полы на кухне, моет посуду. Мой папа делает тяжелую работу. Он поднимает диваны и моет под диванами всю грязь. Даже моя сестренка не сидит без дела! Она ходит в магазины мне убирать игрушки, моет стол. Зато потом так приятно сидеть за столом и есть вкусные драники.