По горизонтали
3. Человек, чья работа заключается в обследовании и лечении зубов.
6. Инструмент часто используется в хирургии.
10. Длинный узкий кусок ткани для обвязывания раненой части тела.
13. Магазин лекарств.
14. Симптомы простуды.
15. Болезнь, связанная с нарушением сна
16. Вы пойдете к стоматологу, когда у вас ... заболит
17. Лист бумаги, который врач дает вам, когда вы заболели.
20. Другое слово для планшетов
21.… выше богатства
22. К этому состоянию приводит тяжелое заболевание.
1. Еще одно слово для аптеки.
2. Иметь сердце ...
4. Как по-английски «столовая ложка»?
5. Другое слово для обозначения болезни
7. Вырвать зуб
8. Врач, оперирующий пациентов.
9. Лицо, получающее лечение.
11. Заболевание при длительной боли в горле.
12. Признаки болезни
13. Результат обследования пациента.
17. Кровь ...
18. Состояние, при котором ваша болезнь ухудшается.
19. Что измеряет термометр
20. Регулярное биение сердца.
1 - Он говорит по китайский очень хорошо.
He speaks Chinese very well.
Does he speak Chinese very well?
Does he speak Chinese or English very well?
Who speaks Chinese very well?
How well does he speak Chinese?
He speaks Chinese very well, doesn’t he?
2 - Его отец был доктором.
His father was a doctor.
Was his father a doctor?
Was his father a doctor or a teacher?
Who was a doctor?
Why was his father a doctor?
His father was a doctor, wasn’t he?
3 - Эти книги были опубликованы в Москве.
These books were published in Moscow.
Were these books published in Moscow?
Were these books published in Moscow or in Tula?
Where were these books published?
What was published in Moscow?
These books were published in Moscow, weren’t they?
4 - Он написал ему письмо из Сочи.
He wrote him a letter from Sochi.
Did he write him a letter from Sochi?
Did he write him a letter from Sochi or from Moscow?
Who wrote a letter from Sochi?
What did he write him?
He wrote him a letter from Sochi, didn’t he?
5 - Он может плавать хорошо.
He can swim well.
Can he swim well?
Can he swim or run well?
Who can swim well?
How well can he swim?
He can swim well, can’t he?
6 - Он работает в библиотеке.
He works in the library.
Does he work in the library?
Does he work in the library or in the bank?
Who works in the library?
Where does he work?
He works in the library, doesn’t he?
7 - У него есть седьмой iPhone.
He has the 7th iPhone.
Does he have the 7th iPhone?
Does he have the 7th or the 6th iPhone?
Who has the 7th iPhone?
What does he have?
He has the 7th iPhone, doesn’t he?
8 - Они были рады видеть его.
They were glad to see him.
Were they glad to see him?
Were they glad to see him or her?
Who was glad to see him?
Whom were they glad to see?
They were glad to see him, weren’t they?
9 - Эти мальчики любят читать приключенческие рассказы.
These boys like reading stories of adventure.
Do these boys like reading stories of adventure?
Do these boys like reading or watching stories of adventure?
Who likes reading stories of adventure?
What do these boys like reading?
These boys like reading stories of adventure, don’t they?
10 - Завтра погода будет хорошая.
Tomorrow the weather will be fine.
Will the weather be fine tomorrow?
Will the weather be fine or bad tomorrow?
What weather will be tomorrow?
When will the weather be fine?
Tomorrow the weather will be fine, won’t it?