What elements does the permanent way consist of? - The permanent way consists of rails, ties and ballast.
What is the origin of the term permanent way? - In the early days of railroad building the workers first had to lay temporary tracks to transport the materials to the construction site. And only after that they laid down the permanent tracks on the permanent way, as it was called.
What is the difference between the modern railroad track and the track of the early days of railways? - The first tracks had no ballast, the rails were made of wood and rested on heavy blocks of granite. Then the wooden rails were replaced by iron ones, and the granite blocks were replaced by wooden ties.
What is the gauge and what gauge is used on the Russia railways ?- The gauge is the distance between the rails and in Russia the railroads have a gauge of 1,524 mm .
Why is the joint the weakest part of the track ? - Because nearly all the rails wear out first at the ends.
What is the switch intended for? - Some railroads have two or more tracks. In order to make the trains pass from one track to another the railroads have a switch. /or/ The switch is intended for making the trains pass from one track to another
Вы знали это? У китов есть кожа. Серого или чёрного цвета. Под кожей много жира. Этот жир используется для изготовления масла. Масло это необходимо для варки мыла или приготовления лампового топлива. У некоторых китов масло в голове.Это масло очень полезно. 114-228 литров масла может находится в китовьих головах.
Серый кит Он известен своими продолжительными миграциями. Размножается в основном у берегов Мексики,но лето проводит в Северном Ледовитом океане,в 10.000 км отсюда. В отличие от большинства крупных китов,серые киты кормятся на морском дне.
Южный гладкий кит Своё название гладкие киты получили за медленное перемещение,в том числе и после смерти. На протяжении веков было истреблено слишком много особей,потому северные гладкие киты почти вымерли. Киты дают потомство всего лишь один раз в три или четыре года.
Синий кит Синий кит -- это самое большое животное,когда-либо жившее за Земле. Вес некоторых особей может превышать 150 тонн. У синих китов мощный рот. Размножаться самки начинают в возрасте 10 лет. Потомство дают раз в два-три года. В начале 1900-х годов количество синих китов достигало 200.000,но в наше время осталось всего лишь 12.000.
What is the origin of the term permanent way? - In the early days of railroad building the workers first had to lay temporary tracks to transport the materials to the construction site. And only after that they laid down the permanent tracks on the permanent way, as it was called.
What is the difference between the modern railroad track and the track of the early days of railways? - The first tracks had no ballast, the rails were made of wood and rested on heavy blocks of granite. Then the wooden rails were replaced by iron ones, and the granite blocks were replaced by wooden ties.
What is the gauge and what gauge is used on the Russia railways ?- The gauge is the distance between the rails and in Russia the railroads have a gauge of 1,524 mm .
Why is the joint the weakest part of the track ? - Because nearly all the rails wear out first at the ends.
What is the switch intended for? - Some railroads have two or more tracks.
In order to make the trains pass from one track to another the railroads have a switch. /or/ The switch is intended for making the trains pass from one track to another