I think I get quite enough freedom. Му parents trust me and don't control me very much. They aren't very angry when I get a bad mark. They just ask me to try to improve it if possible. The parents allow me to hang out with my friends, to attend a hockey club and a swimming pool. They always give me some pocket money for school lunch or presents for my friends.I can watch TV or play computer games any time I like. I love my parents very much. I think we are good friends with them and I always try to do my best not to let them down. I appreciate their trust and faith in me
Рус. вариант Телефон.Телефон - средство взаимосвязи, с телефона мы можем обменяться информацией, сообщить важную новость, или же просто поговорить.На данный момент изобрели сенсорные телефоны. С их можно не только обмениваться информацией, а и делать фото, снимать видео и даже играть в игры.Телефон в наше время вещь нужная, он может заменить компьютер.Вывод такой: Телефон прекрасное средство связи в любую минуту.
Англ. вариант Phone. Phone - means of communication, through phone we can exchange information, communicate important news, or just to talk. At the moment invented touchscreen phones. With their help it is possible not only to exchange information but also to take photos, shoot videos and even play games. The phone is in our time a necessary thing, it can replace the computer. The conclusion is: the Phone is a wonderful communication tool that will help any minute.