Present simple
Where do you work?
Present continuos
Where are you working?
Present perfect
Where have you worked?
Present perfect continuous
Where have you been working?
Past simple
Where did you work?
Past continuous
Where were you working?
Past perfect
Where had you worked?
Past perfect continuous
Where had you been worked?
Future simple
Where will yoг work?
Future continuous
Where will you be working?
Future perfect
Where will you have worked?
Future perfect continuous
Where will you have been working?
Надеюсь понятно написал :-)
It is very important that you teach children how to be safe while walking on or crossing a street. Supervision is the key.
Per the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, in 2018, 6,283 pedestrians were killed in traffic accidents - the most deaths since 1990.
According to the National Safe Kids Campaign, children ages 5 to 9 are at the highest risk of being injured or killed in a traffic-related pedestrian accident.
In 2017, per the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, unintentional motor vehicle traffic accidents were the leading cause of death in the age groups of 5-9, 10-14, and 15-24.
1)1.are worn eaten kept spoken
5.are made
6.isn't sold
2)1.was composed
2.was built
3.was watched
4.were saved
5.were found
6.weren't made
3)1.will be visited
2.will be signed
3.will be taken
4.will be published
5.will be done
6.won't be shown
4)1.have been destroyed
2.have been lost
3.has been employed
4.has been broken
5.have been planted
6.haven't been bitten