1. The Urals are situateв between Europe and Asia.
2.They aren't very high because the mountains were destroyed by the action of water, sun and air.
3. Because the greatest deposits of ores came to thesurface of the Earth.
4.It began during the time of Peter the First. Russia exported metal at that time.
5. Near the mountain Magnitnaya.
6. Shortage of coal.
7. Seventy different metals and minerals were discovered in the Urals.
8. Some of the deposits are exhausted, and the plants work on the ore from new layers (Kazakhstan, Siberia).
9.Yes, he does. I also hope that the region will have new stages of development.
3. What did one of the first passengers on the Metro say? - "It may be short, but it is comfortable" - said Marzhan Rakhimova, who was one of the first passengers on the metro.
4. How does the terminal station Raiymbek Batur look? - There are marble floors and beautiful artwork on the walls, including a picture of the Kazakh warrior Ralymbek Batyr.
5.Whats is Zhibek zholy station famous for? - It is famous for the ceramic reliefs created by the artist Gaziz Yeshkenov.
6. Whats can you say about Auezov Theater station? - The Auezov Theatre station is also stunning with its spacious halls, bright lights and colourful mosaics. Some of the walls are decorated with plaques showing traditional scenes from the life of the Kazakh people.
7.What do you think about Almaty Metro? - Metro is the quickest way to reach the necessary destination.
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