ответ В, они очистили стол и использовали книги
Пушистик говорит: "Потому что я замерзла". Урок 5 мая Занятия 4 Приведите слова в порядок. например. 1 мая — праздник в Англии. 1 в праздник/майский день/Англия. 2 мая день/молодые/молодые/в свои дома/забирают цветы. 3 песни/весна/они/песни. 4 Дети/круглые/танцы/майпол. 5 Марка/А/Ленты/яркие/картинки. 6 Много/не/от людей/ОТ/СР/сейчас. Домашнее задание Найди 10 слов. Хатанте 10 шоб
Pushistik govorit: "Potomu chto ja zamerzla". Urok 5 maja Zanjatija 4 Privedite slova v porjadok. naprimer. 1 maja — prazdnik v Anglii. 1 v prazdnik/majskij den'/Anglija. 2 maja den'/molodye/molodye/v svoi doma/zabirajut tsvety. 3 pesni/vesna/oni/pesni. 4 Deti/kruglye/tantsy/majpol. 5 Marka/A/Lenty/jarkie/kartinki. 6 Mnogo/ne/ot ljudej/OT/SR/sejchas. Domashnee zadanie Najdi 10 slov. Hatante 10 shob
Salesgirl: Good Morning! What can I do for you?
Sarah: Could you let me see that green dress? I saw it in your window and I like the style and the colour very much.
Salesgirl: I`m afraid, this dress will be too big for you. May I show you another dress in green? I think this one will fit you.
Sarah: This is another style. Let me try it on in your fitting-room. I think I like it too. It is very nice.
Salesgirl: I see, you like the dress. It looks very fine on you.
Sarah: I will buy it.
Salesgirl: Do you want anything else?
Sarah: Could you show me that light white shirt? I would like to buy it for my son. May I bring it back tomorrow, if this shirt doesn`t fit him?
Salesgirl: Sure, you can. It it doesn`t fit him, you can make a refund or exchange it.
Sarah: All right.
Salesgirl: Would you pay cash?
Sarah: No, I would like to pay by my credit card.
Salesgirl: Fine. Thank you. Here are your clothes.
Sarah: Thank you, too. Good bye!
Salesgirl: Good bye!
bro you stink you're asss