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2 Write what Karen could/couldn't do when she was ten years old. 1 play the piano (n) Karen could play the piano when she was ten. 2 ride a horse (X) 3 use the Internet (✓) 4 take photos (~) 5 play basketball (X)

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With the advent of the latest means of communication, "the world - as the English say-is getting smaller," and therefore there is a need to learn languages.

It can help us find a common language with foreigners when traveling, get a new position, find friends from all over the world, or even arrange a personal life. It is not surprising that more and more people want to know it. And the more people want to study it, the more techniques appear on the market.

So what is the technique and why is it so important to choose the right one for yourself? In simple words, the methodology includes methods and means of teaching, ways of learning a foreign language. But as we have already noted, with the appearance of a huge number of people who want to learn a foreign language, the number of methods has also increased. Therefore, before delving into the study of the language, it is worth choosing a suitable option for yourself.From the name it already becomes clear that the essence of the methodology is reading. But it's not easy for you to read Jack London in the original.

Books based on this method include an adapted text, a Russian-language translation, an explanation of individual words and transcriptions.

And you will probably ask: "Does it work?". The answer will be unequivocally: "Yes!". And there are good reasons for this to prove that this method is really productive.

Reason #1. Passive learning

The beauty of this technique is that the training takes place in the "light" mode. That is, you learn in the process of interesting and fascinating reading, without performing sophisticated tasks at the same time. And in principle, you should not even bother to remember something, because our brain perfectly assimilates new material due to associative thinking. And under the condition of passive learning, it does this much more effectively.

Reason #2. Productive assimilation of the material

Based on the concept of Frank, a person is inclined to remember new words better, experiencing vivid emotions or impressions. Here's what he says: "For memorization, you need not just mechanical cramming or the development of some skills, but the novelty of impressions. Rather than repeating a word several times, it is better to meet it in different semantic contexts." And this is just enough in the literature.

It is important to relax and enjoy reading. This can be achieved very simply: you just need to choose a book to your taste. After all, reading should be fascinating and exciting.

In general, the conclusion suggests itself: this approach is more suitable for those who have a low level of foreign language proficiency. In turn, for those who have a higher level of knowledge, this method is not very suitable, since they no longer need a parallel translation in Russian. Reading books in the original will be much more useful for them.

3. Audio-lingual method of teaching English

The essence of this technique is to understand foreign speech by ear. A characteristic feature of this is the method of analogy used when memorizing new words. You memorize the main language constructions and frequently used vocabulary. This, in turn, makes it easier to build sentences and communicate on everyday topics.

This technique is also distinguished by the fact that you will memorize a variety of dialogues. First, it will be working out the basic grammatical and lexical structures using a basic set of words. Then, gradually, the vocabulary will be replenished with new lexical units.

It is also worth noting that only one-fourth of the lesson is devoted to theory, and the rest of the time is completely devoted to practice.

Universities in many countries and language schools, starting with Oxford, widely use this approach.

It was also used in the Soviet Union to train foreign specialists. Especially if the training took place in a short time.

The audiolingual method is the basis of some author's programs, such as: the audiolingual method of teaching by Charles Freese, Robert Lado (USA), P. Rivan (France), Gubina (Yugoslavia).

This technique will serve as a good addition when learning the language for both experienced students and beginners, especially if you need to prepare for the exam in a fairly short time. It can be used as a group training option, or an individual one.


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The best way to learn English

     I thinhk, everyone knows how important to know the English language. It is becoming world's  main language and more and more people are learning English all over the world.  I decided to learn this language, when I was  sixteen years old.At first, I learnt English through books which was boring. The best way to learn English is to live native speaker's country. But, what should people do if they're not in English native speaker's country? Yeah, it's boring to learn languages via books. But there is a very good teacher in the world whose name is Internet. There are so many amazing websites that give very important information about how to learn languages. And Youtube is the best friend for language learners. There are teachers, professors, and so many people who teach languages perfectly especilly English On Youtube. If you don't understand rules you can ask them questions and teachers who is a native speaker will answer you. And you can be friends with English people to improve your pronunciation on the Internet which is great!  You can chat with them via Skype, Viber and so on. In conclusion, I want to write that one can learn English without attending different language courses, without reading boring books, without going to teachers' home and I'm sure it!

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