In one country, there lived a man and he had thirteen children. The twelve were given names, but the thirteenth received the name of Topper. When I grew up and was able to look after the sheep began the great ярмарка.Отец children gave each one of серебрянному penny and they went to the fair. Until the evening all the children except for Jovial have spent their money. I wanted to buy a violin and could not find it. He saw a beggar sell the old fiddle with the torn strings and bought it. When on buying it learned everything other than the mother of the Man of steel OK everybody. Topper all the time trying to fix the strings but they are not suitable. He Packed a bag and left the house. He went to the valley, the people in it all the time worked and the questions of the boy answered that they had no time they need to work. Only one man told the boy that had happened in the valley. He said that when, in the valley were all cheerful and rules in the valley Lady Carelessness, but that all changed this will continue until the Lady Longing does not release the wheel from the hands of.. On the next day Topper fixed strings, he was so pleased that he went to play in the valley, then to the castle when his game heard Mrs. longing again she was a Lady Carelessness, the Man was appointed chief of the Royal violinist.
. Косвенная речь вводится союзом that что, который, однако, часто опускается.
Если в словах, вводящих прямую речь, употреблен глагол to say без дополнения, указывающего на лицо, к которому обращаются с речью, то to say сохраняется. Если же после to say имеется дополнение ( с предлогом to, например – said to me), то to say заменяется глаголом to tell (дополнение без предлога to)
3 Если глагол в Present Indefinite, Present Perfect, Future Indefinite, то глагол в косвенной речи (придаточное предложение) остается в том же времени, в каком он был в прямой речи.
Если в прямой речи было или Perfect Continuous, то в косвенной речи оно остается без изменения)
Так же меняются местоимения, например:
Tomorrow - the next day и т.п