1. Will the police be looking for this robber for the whole evening?
2.Will the president be making an announcement to the press later this afternoon?
3.Will the scientists be finding solutions to improve our life?
4.Tom will be visiting a doctor twice a week, won't he?
5.She will be having a music lesson at 3 o'clock tomorrow, won't she?
6.Will they be working in the garden all day tomorrow?
7. Will I be expecting you or having a run at 4 sharp?
8. Will I be drawing a new sketch or playing the piano all morning?
9.Rick will be singing tonight at the prom, won't he?
10.Why won't I be listening to any word she says?
«A Book of Memories» By Kathleen Sheppard
Спрятано на чердаке,
Весь путь наверх,
Что-то очень особенное,
Чем бы я хоетлась поделиться.
Мои надежды,
Мои мечты,
Старые фотографии
Хороших и плозих времен, которые заставляют меня смеяяться.
Наслаждение от обниманий,
Ощущения поцелуя,
Оставляет мне помнить чистое, простое блаженство.
Плач из-за веселья,
И веселье от боли,
Наслаждение хорошей жизнью, которую я смогла сохранить,
Мысли и желания,
Все остались со мной,
Все это содержится в моей книге памяти.
II. ответьте на вопросы (письменно):
1. Summarise the idea of the poem in one sentence.
Her book of memories is her brain.
2. What do you think made the author write this poem?
She had a long life, bad and good memories and she keeps them all in her brain. And every time she thonks about them - she has different feelings.
3. What kind of memories does the author have?
She remembers the joy, happy momnet, someone kissing her and hugging, bad memeroies such as pain.
4. Do you keep any special things from your past? Do you ever look through them?
Ofcourse I keep them. Even if I have bad memories and I want to forget them, I can't. I usdually rememer them just spontaniously.
III. Выразите своё отношение (отзыв) к стихотворению, ориентируясь на
отзывы, приведённые ниже: (письменно)
I like this poem because it makes me think of my own experince and memories. I like the words which author is usings, they shows the atmoshpere of author.
IV. Сочините своё стихотворение, используя план-подсказку (письменно).
warm and smiling
follows continuously
like a sun
if only everyone would feel it everyday.