GD What does the 1 total value of $68 million refer to?
MD Having got a profit before tax of $132 million, GKN then had to pay taxes which 2 adds up to $51 million and $13 million to shareholders. This resulted in 3 receipts of the year of $68 million.
GD How high were the profits of the branch?
MD Having deducted the 4 expenditures of running the business we got the trading surplus of $146 million.
GD Where in the world was the firms trading surplus greatest?
MD Our factories producing car components 5 accomplished the task and had a good year, particularly our transmission companies in Europe.
GD Will you try to 6 measure by data?
wonderful time there at the moment.
- Where (2) __ b) are __ they staying?
- In Cornwall. It (3) __ d) is__ warm down there, even at Easter.
- (4) __ b) Do __ they take a walk along the beach?
- Yes, they (5) __ b) do __ it every day after breakfast as a rule.
- Нам позвонили друзья. Они сейчас прекрасно проводят там время.
- Где они остановились?
- В Корнуолле. Там тепло даже на Пасху.
- Они гуляют вдоль берега?
- Да, каждый день, как правило, после завтрака.