Поставить 5 вопросов к тексту(разных типов) Общий,альтернативный, специальный, разделительный, вопрос к подлежащему. Water is the natural resource we all know very well. We know its many forms – rain, snow, ice, hail, vapor, fog. Yet, water is the natural resource we least understand.
How does water get into the clouds? What happens when it reaches the Earth? Why is there sometimes too much and other times too little of it? And, most important, is there enough water for all the plants, and all the animals, and all the people?
Water covers nearly three fourth of the Earth, most being sea water. But sea water contains various salts, including those that are harmful to most land plants and animals. Still, it is from the salty seas and oceans that most of our fresh water comes-no longer salty and harmful. Water moves from clouds to land and back to the ocean in a never-ending cycle.
Ocean water evaporates into atmosphere leaving salts behind, and moves across the Earth as water vapor. Water in lakes and rivers also evaporates and rises into the air. Having cooled in the air the water vapor condenses and falls to the Earth as rain, hail or snow, depending on region, climate, season and topography. This part of the cycle is very important because man can use water stored in the atmosphere only when it falls to the land.
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