This picture shows a young person (girl). As you can see in the picture, she is sitting in the phone. At the moment, a lot of young people are sitting in smartphones, gadgets, and so on. Without spending time studying, reading, etc. Sitting in smartphones can be both useful and not useful. It may be useful that you can read books and so on do not spend time in vain and it is not useful to sit in games for hours which contributes to poor vision. Don't sit on your phones for too long if you want good eyesight.
1) There is a pen on the table
2) There is an old TV near the sofa
3) There are my copybooks on the table
4) There is an aquarium near the shelf
1) There isn't any copybooks on the kitchen
2) There are no fish in the toilet
3) There is no kitten in this room
4) There aren't many students here
1) На столе есть ручка
2) Возле дивана стоит старый телевизор
3) На столе лежат мои тетради
4) Рядом с полкой аквариум
1) На кухне нет тетрадей
2) В туалете нет рыбок
3) В этой комнате нет котенка
4) Здесь не так много студентов
вроде провилно :)