Сочинение 80-100 слов чтобы было в тексте ответ на: Answer the question: 1)What do you think about charity. 2)Do you know any charities in Russia? 3)Write how you contribute to charity. 4)Write how your charity. 5)Write how your family contribute to charity. 6)What charity organization would you like support? 7)Do you have any fundraisting ideas? 8)Do you have any volunteer experience?
Larks are small birds, the size of a sparrow or slightly larger. They have a thick build and a large head. The legs are short, well adapted to moving on the ground; the fingers are of medium length, the hind finger is provided with a very long claw. The wings are long and fairly broad; the tail is short, cropped at the end. The colour of the plumage is modest.
Жаворонки-это маленькие птицы, размером с воробья или чуть больше. У них плотное телосложение и большая голова. Ноги короткие, хорошо при к передвижению по земле; пальцы средней длины, задний палец снабжен очень длинным когтем. Крылья длинные и довольно широкие; хвост короткий, обрезанный на конце. Окраска оперения скромная.
1 .I know that she was working on this article, early in the morning. 2. When Tom came out of the house , all the boys played football , and Tom and John considered round pebbles , which they brought from the river. 3.She was surprised: she had never seen so many flowers. 4.Tomorrow at 8 o'clock, I already finish all your lessons. 5.Where's your brother?He works at the Institute. And what's he doing now? Reading a newspaper. He always does it after work. 6. Where are the apples?We ate them.You buy us apples tomorrow?
Larks are small birds, the size of a sparrow or slightly larger. They have a thick build and a large head. The legs are short, well adapted to moving on the ground; the fingers are of medium length, the hind finger is provided with a very long claw. The wings are long and fairly broad; the tail is short, cropped at the end. The colour of the plumage is modest.
Жаворонки-это маленькие птицы, размером с воробья или чуть больше. У них плотное телосложение и большая голова. Ноги короткие, хорошо при к передвижению по земле; пальцы средней длины, задний палец снабжен очень длинным когтем. Крылья длинные и довольно широкие; хвост короткий, обрезанный на конце. Окраска оперения скромная.