Speaking task 2. choose the question from the card on the tople "entertainment and media" and be ready to answer it, produce speech by giving extended answers to the questions. provide explanation to your answer, answer the questions while speakine. you should speak at least 2 minutes.
Leo Tolstoy was one of the greatest novelists. He wrote great novels like "Anna Karenina", "War and Peace". In his strories he wrote about live in Russia during that epoch. He was born on the 28 of August in 1828 at place named Yasnaya polyana near Tula . He is very famous nowdays, his poems, novels and othe literature works are still admired. My favorite his work is autobiografical triology about his youth. Leo Tolstoy gave so much in literature so he starded new era of realism in whole cultered world. He believed that knowledge is the power of future, that is why he organised schools in villages nearby his mansion. But later those schools were closed and all theoretic works were censored. Leo Tolstoy did a lot of things for Russian culture and eduction, and he really deserves a titul of one of the greatest man ever lived.
Leo Tolstoy was one of the greatest novelists. He wrote great novels like "Anna Karenina", "War and Peace". In his strories he wrote about live in Russia during that epoch. He was born on the 28 of August in 1828 at place named Yasnaya polyana near Tula . He is very famous nowdays, his poems, novels and othe literature works are still admired. My favorite his work is autobiografical triology about his youth. Leo Tolstoy gave so much in literature so he starded new era of realism in whole cultered world. He believed that knowledge is the power of future, that is why he organised schools in villages nearby his mansion. But later those schools were closed and all theoretic works were censored. Leo Tolstoy did a lot of things for Russian culture and eduction, and he really deserves a titul of one of the greatest man ever lived.
He was born on the 28 of August in 1828 at place named Yasnaya polyana near Tula . He is very famous nowdays, his poems, novels and othe literature works are still admired. My favorite his work is autobiografical triology about his youth. Leo Tolstoy gave so much in literature so he starded new era of realism in whole cultered world. He believed that knowledge is the power of future, that is why he organised schools in villages nearby his mansion. But later those schools were closed and all theoretic works were censored.
Leo Tolstoy did a lot of things for Russian culture and eduction, and he really deserves a titul of one of the greatest man ever lived.