3 Перефразируйте предложения, используя сложное дополнение Пример: want that she will cook mushroom soup. -- I want her to cook mushroom soup.
They said: "He is an expert in our industry." -They consider
Elvis said to his son: "Don't watch horror films," Elvis doesn't let
"Mummy, please buy me that doll", said the little girl. - The little girl would like
Dad says that I can travel to China with you. - Dad allows
lle swears a lot. Many people heard that. Many people heard
In the summer in my country it is usually hot, but the weather is very variable and therefore it rains or is cloudy. In the autumn, especially in September, can sometimes keep warm summer weather that will delight us because It warm when it's time to leave that it is time to slush and rain. In the winter cold, and there may be times when there is little rain in the form of snow and winter, respectively, it ceases to be in winter. In the spring of the first month, more can be kept cool weather, but then it's time to nastaёt warming and clear sky.