washers ?Yes, i am washers
оңйңшйңойңойойңйшңшцшйңшйңшй 1 - Do you know anything about Drama whatever?
Speaker 2- I do not know much about it, but I read that it appeared many beautiful centuries ago.
Speaker 1- Why is it called Drama because?
Speaker 2- I think, because it will is about serious moments in people’s life.
Speaker 1 - Oh, it doesn’t sound very positive. To my and mind, this genre is not for me, I love comedies.
five extra words
1 - Do you know anything about Drama whatever?
Speaker 2- I do not know much about it, but I read that it appeared many beautiful centuries ago.
Speaker 1- Why is it called Drama because?
Speaker 2- I think, because it will is about serious moments in people’s life.
Speaker 1 - Oh, it doesn’t sound very positive. To my and mind, this genre is not for me, I love comedies.
five extra words
1 - Do you know anything about Drama whatever?
Speaker 2- I do not know much about it, but I read that it appeared many beautiful centuries ago.
Speaker 1- Why is it called Drama because?
Speaker 2- I think, because it will is about serious moments in people’s life.
Speaker 1 - Oh, it doesn’t sound very positive. To my and mind, this genre is not for me, I love comedies.
five extra words
1 - Do you know anything about Drama whatever?
Speaker 2- I do not know much about it, but I read that it appeared many beautiful centuries ago.
Speaker 1- Why is it called Drama because?
Speaker 2- I think, because it will is about serious moments in people’s life.
Speaker 1 - Oh, it doesn’t sound very positive. To my and mind, this genre is not for me, I love comedies.
five extra words
1 - Do you know anything about Drama whatever?
Speaker 2- I do not know much about it, but I read that it appeared many beautiful centuries ago.
Speaker 1- Why is it called Drama because?
Speaker 2- I think, because it will is about serious moments in people’s life.
Speaker 1 - Oh, it doesn’t sound very positive. To my and mind, this genre is not for me, I love comedies.
five extra words
1 - Do you know anything about Drama whatever?
Speaker 2- I do not know much about it, but I read that it appeared many beautiful centuries ago.
Speaker 1- Why is it called Drama because?
Speaker 2- I think, because it will is about serious moments in people’s life.
Speaker 1 - Oh, it doesn’t sound very positive. To my and mind, this genre is not for me, I love comedies.
five extra words
1 - Do you know anything about Drama whatever?
five extra words
1 - Do you know anything about Drama whatever?
Speaker 2- I do not know much about it, but I read that it appeared many
Put the phrases in the right place to make a dialogue.
I think, because it is about serious moments in people’s life.
Do you know anything about Drama?
Speaker 1 -
everybody knows that the first dramatic actin g was very popular in ancient Greece. Lots of people visit marketplaces and they can c hoose whatever they want. It began as a simple storytelling when a storytell er e adopting different v oices, roles and costumes. extra sentence
короче говоря я не знаю
Yes ведь кровать находится в bedroom вообще Yes, there is я не помню 1 класс