She helpеd her mother yesterday. или с вопросом Did she help her mother yesterday?
это past simple потому что здесь есть вс слово yesterday
ответ:Azerbaijan - a miraculous country with its rich natural resources such as oil and gas. There are nine of the eleven world climatic zones. More than 9 million people live there. The history and lifestyle presents a unique and harmonious combination of the traditions and ceremonies of different cultures and civilizations.
Azerbaijan is the geographical name of the country. On one the hand this name is linked to the ancient population which lived in this region thousands of years ago, who were fire-worshippers. Azerbaijan means "The Land of Fires".
There are more than 6 thousands historical monuments. The natural climatic conditions of Azerbaijan are also unique. One of the riches is a rare type of oil. This rare kind of oil does not burn and it is used for medicinal purposes.
Объяснение:Вроде так
Я не очень понимаю, утвердительное здесь предложение или нет. В любом случае, время Past Simple.
В утвердительной форме предложение выглядит так:
She helped her mother yesterday
Если же предложение вопросительное, то ставим вс глагол перед подлежащим и инфинитив глагола:
Did she help her mother yesterday?