3 Complete the sentences below. Make them true for you. 1. In my freezer, there is a lot of 2. In my cupboard, there are a few___ 3. In my fridge, there is little 7 4. In my cupboard, there are few ___5. In my fridge, there are a couple of 6. On my kitchen table, there is a little
El Colacho
A very strange ceremony, turned into a whole festival, is held in the small town of Castrillo de Murcia. Essentially, it's jumping over babies. It sounds intimidating, but the locals believe that it helps protect children from the evil eye and even cleanses them from original sin. For almost 400 years, every year on the Feast of the Body and Blood of Christ, a specially trained person in a yellow-red devil costume has jumped over babies born since the previous rite. It is believed that after such a leap, evil will follow the devil, and the souls of babies are purified.
ну как то так:))