Very often young people get their first work 1) experience at school. There are various jobs 2) available for them: animal caretakers, waiters, shop assistants etc. Usually this is a 3) temporary or part-time job during their school holidays or at weekends. It is a good way to 4) earn some money and
maybe gain some useful 5) skills . Although it’s tempting to spend your holiday time working and earning money, it’s not a good idea to forget about your education. Most young people get a job when they finish their education. And they need to begin thinking about 6) career choices in secondary school. Nowadays 7) employers are looking for quite a lot in their potential employees. They should have 8) qualifications, an impressive CV and preferably have some relevant work experience. In general, jobs that 9) require university qualifications are usually better paid. Some people stay with the same company for their entire career; others move around to different jobs with a range of companies. If you stay with the same
company for a long time you may have better chances to get a 10) promotion.
1. С сожалением сообщаю вам, что вы не сдали экзамен. 2. Кто рассказал ей о вечеринке? Я не помню, чтобы говорил об этом вчера вечером. 3. Я собираюсь купить эту машину, даже если потрачу все свои деньги! 4. Не забудьте сказать мне, как только приедете. с. Он рассказал полиции, как произошла авария. Затем он сказал , что это не его вина прощения, я не хотел показаться таким грубым. 7. Джеймс вегетарианец. Он перестал есть мясо много лет назад. 8. Если вы не можете найти его дома, попробуйте позвонить ему в офис. 9. Никогда не забуду встречу с моей любимой кинозвездой . 10. Сожалею, что солгал ему. Я должен был сказать ему правду. 11. Мы остановились, чтобы выпить чашку кофе по дороге домой. 12. Вы не забыли оплатить счет за телефон, или мне придется это сделать завтра?
Very often young people get their first work 1) experience at school. There are various jobs 2) available for them: animal caretakers, waiters, shop assistants etc. Usually this is a 3) temporary or part-time job during their school holidays or at weekends. It is a good way to 4) earn some money and
maybe gain some useful 5) skills . Although it’s tempting to spend your holiday time working and earning money, it’s not a good idea to forget about your education. Most young people get a job when they finish their education. And they need to begin thinking about 6) career choices in secondary school. Nowadays 7) employers are looking for quite a lot in their potential employees. They should have 8) qualifications, an impressive CV and preferably have some relevant work experience. In general, jobs that 9) require university qualifications are usually better paid. Some people stay with the same company for their entire career; others move around to different jobs with a range of companies. If you stay with the same
company for a long time you may have better chances to get a 10) promotion.