6. She asked me if I sometimes had headaches.
7. He wanted to know if something was wrong with me.
8. They asked me if I had a good appetite.
9. She asked me if I would follow her advice.
10. They wanted to know if I spent much time out-of-doors.
11. I was asked to buy bread, milk and sugar.
12. He asked me to wait for him at home.
13. She told me to clean the/my room.
14. They told us to come home straight after school.
15. I was asked to take the dog for a walk.
16. We were told not to ask him silly questions.
17. We were told not to make noise.
18. We were told not to run along the corridor.
19. We were told not to waste time at the lesson.
20. I was told not to lie on my/the desk.
Торговый центр в моем городе огромный
1 Мой дом / квартира чистая
2 Наша школа очень интересная
3 Мой район города опасный
4 Улицы возле моей школы безобидные
5 Ближайшая ж / д станция обычная
6 Кафе в нашем районе дорогое
7 Библиотека в моей школе старая
8 Офисные здания в нашей столице необычные
The mall in my city is huge
1 My house / apartment is clean
2 Our school is very interesting
3 My neighborhood is dangerous
4 The streets near my school are harmless
5 The nearest railway station is usual
6 Cafe in our area is expensive
7 The library at my school is old
8 Office buildings in our capital are unusual
hello I stupid sorry for the late reply but it was a long time