Every subject, learning at school, is important for us. But , personally, I'm not sure, everyone needs to learn biology or history. There are some subjects, which we all should know.
In my opinion, one of the most important school subjects is the Russian language. We live in Russia so we must know our native language clearly. As we all know, Maths is also very important subject. We use our computing abilities in everyday life and we certainly need it to know.
After all, I can suppose that every of the subjects is important for one or another pupil, but the most important are the Russian language and Mathematics
Привет Юлия, Как дела? У меня был отличный выходные. Пошел в кино В субботу вечером с моими друзья. Мы видели Гарри Поттера И Принц-полукровка, Фантастический фильм с Даниэль Рэдклифф, Руперт Гринт и Эмма Уотсон. Шестой фильм о Гарри Поттере рассказывает о Гарри Поттер готовится встретиться с Волдемортом. Dumblemore Берет Гарри с собой в тайное путешествие, в котором Гарри является свидетелем битвы между добром и злом. Я нашел фильм захватывающим, и актерское мастерство было замечательным. я Думаю, что это обязательно нужно посмотреть каждому. Как насчет тебя? Вы ходили на побережье в выходные? С любовью, Саманта
B) I need to clear a space on my desk for my new computer. c) I hate it when I’m using my computer and error messages appear on the screen. d) I left a message on her answering machine but she didn’t return my call.e) It’s going to be expensive to live in London. I’ll have to rent a flatand pay for all my food. f) Belgium are losing by two goals to nil against Brazil. Now they have to really fight forsurvaval. g) Could you give me a hand? It will only take a minute. h) The problem with modern society is that parents don’t control the behaviour of their children.
Every subject, learning at school, is important for us. But , personally, I'm not sure, everyone needs to learn biology or history. There are some subjects, which we all should know.
In my opinion, one of the most important school subjects is the Russian language. We live in Russia so we must know our native language clearly. As we all know, Maths is also very important subject. We use our computing abilities in everyday life and we certainly need it to know.
After all, I can suppose that every of the subjects is important for one or another pupil, but the most important are the Russian language and Mathematics