Many countries in the world and each has its customs. Here are some of them. In Japan and South Korea celebrating the 14th of February is different from those in Western countries. On this day, only women make gifts to men, and in most cases give chocolate. In the 1980s, the Association of confectioners Japan successfully launched a new holiday on March 14, the so-called «White day», when the response gifts are expected from men, and they should be more valuable than a month ago. In addition to these dates Koreans invented a «Black day» on April 14, when men and women are not receiving gifts, go to a restaurant and eat black noodles in a sign of mourning for his одиночеству.Недалеко from the border with Tibet in China has a small ethnic group мосуо of 40 thousand people, which is sometimes called «the Kingdom of women». In their peasant environment without traditional family, and all adults have complete freedom of choice and change of partners. Instead of marriage, there is a custom in which a man visits the home of his mistress at night, secretly or openly. At that in the morning he should go, and subsequently does not have any rights to educate their children as heads of houses are women, and the inheritance goes exactly through the female line. As a rule, men care about their children sisters that live under the same roof.
Моя семья был праздник в Англии, но , к сожалению, у нас было погоду . ( Ужасно) 3. Дети пришли в класс . ( Шумно прислушайтесь . (Осторожно ) 5. Его брат повар . ( Хорошо объясните . (Очистить) 7. Я хочу перекусить . (Быстрый ) 8. Он говорит по-английски . ( Хорошо)Moya sem'ya byl prazdnik v Anglii, no , k sozhaleniyu, u nas bylo pogodu . ( Uzhasno) 3. Deti prishli v klass . ( Shumno ) 4. Pozhaluysta, prislushaytes' . (Ostorozhno ) 5. Yego brat povar . ( Khorosho) 6. Pozhaluysta, ob"yasnite . (Ochistit') 7. YA khochu perekusit' . (Bystryy ) 8. On govorit po-angliyski . ( Khorosho)
My brother is …taller than… my sister. (tall) Robin is …the youngest… girl in our class. (young) This box is the largest box in this room. (large) Eric is shorter than Adam. (short) She thinks making jewelry is the worst of all. (bad) Our new car is the fastest of all. (fast) Her shoes are better than Andy’s shoes. (good) Mr Potter has the biggest feet in their class. (big) Mike’s hair is curlier than Sandy’s hair. (curly) “Lady and the Beast” was the best TV show of all. (good) Mr White is the oldest of all. (old) I think cats are better than dogs. (good) Ted’s drawings are worse than Barney’s drawings. (bad) “Harry Potter” is the best movie of all. (good) Jack is smarter than Rose. (smart) Marshal’s photos are the worst of all. (bad) Jasmine is older than Joe. (old) I think chocolate cake is better than apple pie. (good) He thinks his collection is the largest one in his classroom. (large)