Переночевав в гостинице в Гуаякиле, мы сели к агенту в машину и поехали на судно в Пуэрто Боливар. Доехали вопреки ожиданиям быстро, примерно за 3-4 часа. Погода была пасмурная и даже не смотря на то, что мы находимся недалеко от экватора, было прохладно. Почти все время, пока мы ехали, по обе стороны дороги были банановые плантации, но все равно в голове не укладывается: эти бананы грузят на суда в нескольких портах Эквадора десятками тысяч тонн каждый день, круглый год. Это ж несчастные бананы должны расти быстрее чем грибы.
Дороги в Эквадоре практически идеальные, хотя населенные пункты выглядят очень бедно. На дорогах много интересных машин, например очень много грузовиков - древних Фордов, которые я никогда раньше не видел. А еще несколько раз на глаза попадались старенькие Жигули :) А еще если кого-то обгоняешь и есть встречная машина, она обязательно включает фары. На больших машинах - грузовиках и автобусах, обязательно красуется местный тюнинг: машины разукрашенные, либо в наклейках, и обязательно везде огромное множество светодиодов, как будто новогодние елки едут и переливаются всеми цветами.
in the picture I can see a beautiful and comfortable room. there is a small table in the middle of the room and and two armchairs on the sides. There is a bouquet of flowers on the table. in the background there are bookshelves and a fireplace. a fire is burning in the fireplace. there are three paintings on the wall.
the room is lit by a very beautiful chandelier. the room is decorated with a fern. it can be seen that the room was made with a taste of style
перевод: на картине я вижу красивую и комфортную комнату. по середине стоит маленький стол и по бокам два кресла. на столе букет цветов.на заднем плане книжные полки и камин. в камине горит огонь. на стене весят три картины. комнату освещает очень красивая люстра. комнату украшает папоротник.видно что комната была сделана со вкусом стиля
Each of us have noticed that often friends alike in some ways to each other. After choosing a friend , we are looking for someone who would understand us , with whom we have common interests. Friendship - is a close relationship between people, selfless sense of respect , based on the unity of views . " Tell me who your friends are and I'll tell you who you are" - says the proverb. Trying to imitate something your friends we communicating with them , self-fulfillment . We have a desire to talk about themselves, their feelings and experiences . True friends are connected spiritually . Without mutual sympathy and trust without mutual understanding and cooperation , without the full commitment of friendship will not. True friendship creates an atmosphere for destructive selfishness , cruelty and indifference.
People can communicate with many people : friends, acquaintances, comrades. But it is believed that these friends a person can not be many . French writer of the seventeenth century F. Rochefoucauld stated: " No matter how rare true love, true friendship is even rarer ." A true friend is hard to find , and sometimes you can make mistakes in choosing friends . After all, to be true friends , you need to be confident in each other. Life has confirmed that a friend in need is a friend indeed . Indeed, the true friends are always ready to help and support us . These are the people whom we can always rely on. Unfortunately , not always friends tested fame and money . But the man without friends can not live. Georgian poet Shota Rustaveli in the twelfth century, in his poem "The Knight in the Panther's Skin " stated: "The inscription is fair in China in the mountains : " Who is not looking for friends currently , he is an enemy to himself ! ' "
It is difficult to imagine a person who would not aspire to find a true friend . However, few who falls good luck finding another immediately, without trial and error.
We need friends at any age. Believe that school friendship - the strong friendship . Maybe because we spend a lot of time together , know more about each other.
Unfortunately, life is arranged so that a person can not always save their friends. Good start to appreciate more if it goes against you . But true friends will always be with us, even if they are away from us. The main thing - to be able to forgive a friend that they can not lose , because a friend is much more difficult . We must always remember the words of the Avar poet Rasul Gamzatov :
People , I beg you , for God's sake ,
Do not hesitate to his kindness ,
Friends in the world is not so much ,
Beware of losing friends