придумать ответы на вопросы •What activity have you recently taken up?
•How often do you do it?
•Who do you practise with? Are you in a team?
•How do you feel about this activity?
•Have you /Has your team ever won anything? What? When?
Are you going to take part in a competition/championship, etc. in the near future?
2 Every day he is told something interesting.
3 I often send letters to my friends.
4 I am often sent to the south.
5 I always praise my friends.
6 I am always praised at home.
7 Every Saturday dad shows grandfather my marks
8 Every Saturday dad is shown my marks.
9 We often remember you.
10 We are often remembered in the village.
11 I am given some juice every morning.
12 Every morning I give the cat some milk.
13 I am often invited to the cinema.
14 My sister is often helped at school.
15 I sometimes forget to take my diary.
16 He writes a lot of letters.
17 Agatha Christie's books are read with interest.
18 Dogs like bones.
19 Dogs are liked in many families.
20. When is tea drunk in your family?
21. Where are old letters kept?
22. Why are these rules always forgotten?
23. Why do you always forget these rules?
24. Where do your friends live?
25. Where is bread bought?
26. When are questions asked?
1) Hares and rabbits are often confused.
2) The house has recently been built.
3) Now the house is being repaired.
4) When the accident happened, the road was being repaired.
5) The road has already been repaired.
6) When we come back home, dinner will have been already cooked.
7) The offender has been caught.
8) My cat likes to be petted.
9) He is considered to be the best surgeon in the country.
10) They say that he is a bad person.