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He compilation was first circulated in manuscript form before it was published posthumously. Sources differ in their account of the year of publication. One source claims the Strange Tales were published by Pu's grandson in 1740. However, the earliest surviving print version was printed in 1766 in Hangzhou.Pu is believed to have completed the majority of the tales sometime in 1679, though he could have added entries as late as 1707.ThemeThe main characters of this book apparently are ghosts, foxes, immortals and demons, but the author actually focused on people’s real life. He used those oddities to illustrate his ideas of the society and the government. He criticized the corruption and unjustness in the society and sympathized on those poor people. There are four main themes in this collection.First is to complain the feudal system where everyone is not equal. The author exposed that many officers and rich people committed crime without punishment just because they had privilege. This theme can be found in these stories, such as “the Cricket”, “Xi Fangping”, and “Shang Sanguan” The author was angry with the unfairness of the feudal government.Secondly, the author disclosed the corrupt examination system at that time. Because Songling had taken imperial exams, he had real experience and found that the exams were unfair. Many students cheated and bribed examiners or the officers who graded their paper. In addition, this education system has destroyed the scholars’ mind and ruined their creativity. Stories, such as “Kao San Sheng”, “Ya Tou”, and “Scholar Wang Zi-an”, contain this theme.Third theme is to admire the pure and faithful love between the poor scholars and powerless women. Songling wrote many stories about the love between beautiful and kind female ghosts and poor students. The author highly praised those women who helped their lovers or husbands to achieve success and took care of their husbands’ life. Readers can find those good-looking and kind-hearted female ghosts or foxes in the stories like “Lian Xiang”, “Yingning” and “Nie Xiaoqian”.Fourth is to criticize people’s immoral behavior and to educate people by those stories. The author embedded some moral standards and Taoist principles into the stories, so they are like parables, such as “Painted Skin” and “The Taoist of Lao Mountain.
As teenagers in all countries we enjoy going out, walking with our friends in the park or spending time in musical clubs. We want to be independent from our parents and other adults. We understand that learning is necessary for our life, but it's so boring. Of course, we go to school and try to be obedient, but not always. We want to get dressed up and have a little bit of pocket money. In our country, teenagers do not have the oppotunity to dress as they like, because the parents do not always understand the modern fashion. Most of us often buy clothes at the markets or in the cheap stores and spend only the money that we are given by our parents. And separate conversation is about the school uniform, which we have to wear almost all the time. As for me I am totally against school uniform. I want to look nice and modern, I don't want to merge with a total mass of similar teenagers. There is nothing special if teenagers dress up nice and trendy. Stupidity and meanness you can create even dressed in a perfect school uniform. And you can be honest and decent in a beautiful and favorite clothes. This is my opinion. Как и подростки во всех странах мы любим проводить время вне дома, прогуливаясь с друзьями в парке или проводя время в музыкальных клубах. Нам хочется быть независимыми от родителей и других взрослых людей. Мы понимаем, что учиться необходимо, но это так скучно. Конечно, мы ходим в школу и стараемся быть послушными, но не всегда. Нам очень хочется красиво одеваться и иметь побольше карманных денег. В нашей стране подростки не имеют возможности одеваться так, как они хотят, потому что родители не всегда понимают современную моду. Чаще всего мы одеваемся на рынках или в недорогих магазинах и тратим только те деньги, которые нам дают родители. И отдельный разговор о школьной форме, которую нам приходится носить почти все время. Что касается меня я категорически против школьной формы. Мне хочется выглядеть красиво и современно, а не сливаться с общей массой одинаковых тинейжеров. Нет ничего особенного в том, если подростки одеваются красиво и модно. Глупости и подлости можно творить и в идеальной школьной форме. Можно быть честным и порядочным в красивой и любимой одежде. Это мое мнение.