1 It is the national sport in Wales.
2 It means chivalry and respect. It is the traditional symbol on St. David's Day.
3 It means chivalry and respect. It is the traditional symbol on St. David's Day.
4 He is the patron of Wales.
5 Adopted as the emblem by Edmund and Jasper Tudor, it eventually became the symbol of Wales.
6 There are four times more they than the Welsh.
7 It is the capital Of Wales.
8 It is a mountainous region and a stunning national park in the northwestern part of Wales.
варианты ответов
welsh harp
the daffodil
the leek
the dragon (flag of Wales)
saint david
ответ:1 rugby 2,3cardiff, 4saint David, 5 the daffodil,6sheep,7 Cardiff, 8 snowdonia